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Board of ILSA

1. Board of Director

Board of Director form the highest executive authority within ILSA Unhas. The Board comprise of President, Secretary and Treasurer.

I. President

Mohammad Akhsan Adhyatma (2021)
Being president of ILSA Unhas requires some special commitment and skills. In a way the president is the one who bears final responsibility. He or she should have excellent qualities in the field of coordinating and monitoring. It is up to the president to take action when something seems to fail within ILSA Unhas matters. Being president means that you will have an overview of what is taking place within organization while being involved very little with the practical details. Our current president is Mohammad Akhsan Adhyatma

II. Secretary

Andi Nurul Utami (2021)

​In order to ensure the neat and well organized organization, it is for Secretary to ensure the administrative matters for any ILSA Unhas activities. Secretary also responsible to storing all the organization archive to keep all the record for our past activities. This position is secured by Andi Nurul Utami.

III. Treasurer

Selpi (2022)

The role of Treasurer mainly involves taking care of the budget and other monetary issues. The Treasurer also takes care of daily organizational concerns, takes notes during meetings and maintains the website to a certain extent. ​This year it is Selpi. whom dealing with all of these job description.

2. Executive Board

Formed by and under Board of Director supervision, Executive Board responsible to coordinate and maintain order in technical matters. These units basically the sword-tip of our executive branch. The Board consist inter alia;

1.Ministry of Internal Affairs;

Minister : Muhammad Erwin Alamsyah (2021)

Vice Minister : Andi Much Ghaly (2021)

1. Putra Bakti Satriana

2. Arni Viratami Cahyani

3. Albrian Gandi Pakiding

4. Nadhiya Nuwairah Ramadhani

5. Zafi Pasha A.S

6. M. Arif Nugroho

2. Public Relations;

Minister : Taskiyah Putri Khairani (2021)

Vice Minister : Aldy Yusa Ali (2021)

1. Kimberly Elgracia Lingga

2. Surya Caesar Rumahorbo

3. Siti Kamilah

4. Michael The Valentino Rompas

5. Rifqy Novaldy Mesfer

6. Chairunnisa Rhaodatul Jannah

7. Shafiqah Btari Mahendrani

8. Yustisia Dwi Mawarni Tangko

9. Andi Indar Ashari

10. Andi Qarinah Rinra Bungaeja

11. Gunnar Junargya Manganti

12. Geraldine Felycia Rara

3. Ministry of Information and Technology;

Minister : Zalika Mawaddah Priyamos (2021)

Vice Minister : Diandra Tjia (2022)

1. Muhammad Sayyid Nabil Muyassar

2. Febri Tiring

3. A. Muh. Dzaky Wagindra R.

4. Gerard Adhyaksa K.

5. Mutiya

6. Joselyn L. Montolalu

7. Faiz Juliandra Susilo

4. Ministry of Academic Activity;

Minister : Abdi Ardiansyah (2022)

Vice Minister : Aliyah Sabina Nur Putri (2022)

1. Afiq Ahmad Hanif

2. Joel Lucano Premana Harsono

3. Nagida Amalia Putri

4. Paulus V.Z. Silambi

5. Nazal Amin Firdaus

6. Fauziah Mardiah Majid

7. Kania Rezkya Aminah

8. M. Rifqy Putra Kania

9. Dyandra Rayyani Hendra Putri

10. M. Agil Fadhlurrahman

5. Ministry of Mootcourt and Competition;

Minister : Michael Angelo Wantoro (2022)

Vice Minister : Edeline Gontha (2022)

1. Josse Charmario Wara Angi

2. Nabila Septiani

3. Gabriel Juant Pabidah

4. Fatiha Anggahra

5. Herty Gaby Aktaviana Marpaung

6. Sabina Putri Maharani

7. Johana

8. Robbi Fathan

9. Andi Sri Ayu Ramadhany

10. Andini Safitri

11. Maya Laurensia

6. Ministry of Finance;

Minister : Nabila Nandayani H (2021)

Vice Minister : Alya Khamila (2022)

1. Gabriel Hugo

2. Aqil Faturrahman

3. Fitria Laksmi Pratiwi Askar

4. Afifa Ivanda

5. Sangbaptise Mendy

6. Aina Adhwaa

7. M. Dzakki Yudi Saputra

8. M. Febriano Parandangi

9. Siti Ayesha Maesan Sibyl